Zollbestimmungen Alkohol nochmal

  • Wir möchten gern unseren Wein mitnehmen und auch Freunden in Island welchen schenken, deshalb möchten wir lieber etwas mehr als die 4,5 l Wein mitnehmen und diese auch verzollen. Weiß jemand, wieviel das wohl pro Flasche/ pro Liter kosten wird? Danke schon mal. GoIceland

  • Hallo, letztes Jahr hatte ich direkt in Island bei Zoll angefragt und folgende Antwort bekommen (wobei ALKOHOL nicht explizit aufgeführt ist):

    Good day
    Travelers may import duty-free up to 3 kg of food, including candy, not exceeding the value of ISK 25.000
    Excess food is charged as follows:
    [font='&quot']• [/font]Meat products 974,- ISK. per kilo,
    [font='&quot']• [/font]cheeses and dairy products 932,- ISK. per kilo
    [font='&quot']• [/font]other foodstuffs 106,- ISK. per kilo.
    Please find more information regarding traveling to Iceland, duty free allowance and such, on our website: https://www.tollur.is/english/…celand/duty-free-imports/
    If you bring more then 3 kg of food per person you will have to go to the RED gate and pay.

    The following food products are prohibited from importation :
    [font='&quot']• [/font]Uncooked meat and various meat products e.g. dried meat, uncooked smoked ham,
    bacon, saddle of pork, smoked uncooked sausages (e.g. salami), uncooked
    poultry etc. .Meat and meat products have to be fully cooked in order to be allowed into the country.

    [font='&quot']• [/font]Uncooked milk/milk products (should be pasteurized)
    [font='&quot']• [/font]uncooked eggs
    If in doubt customs officers can decide to prohibit any unknown products,
    for example products that do not have sufficient labels or have been
    removed from the original wrapping.

    Vielleicht versuchst Du es auch mal bei:
    Netfang: upplysingar@tollur.is- Sími: 560-0315- Fax: 560-0360 - Vefur:www.tollur.is

    LG Klaus